Inspire church schools…
The church school’s course is for children and teenagers who attend a church school regardless of whether they are from a faith-based or secular background. It can also be used by churches and Christian charities who want to run a self-worth course for younger youth.
Age range
The course is primarily targeted towards children and teenagers between the ages of 10-14 and is particularly beneficial when used in Year 6 or 7 to help children with their transition to secondary school. However, by adapting or changing certain activities, it is also suitable for a wider age range.
Ideally, the course requires six half-day sessions throughout the school term/year to teach, but can also be taught over three full days if preferred. Timings for each session are purposefully not given to allow teachers a more flexible approach to using the material in a way that is most helpful and appropriate for their group.
(Note. Teachers should also decide for themselves how much time and emphasis they place on teaching the biblical content of this course based on what is most appropriate for their school.)
Inspire has been designed to be used with whole classes or year groups but is also suitable for mentoring smaller groups of young people who are particularly struggling with issues related to low self-worth.
The course is full of imaginative, creative, and inspiring ideas and activities and comes with a comprehensive Teachers’ Guide, Activities Guide (available as an eBook), PowerPoint presentations, and additional free digital downloads. Participant Handbooks are also available to purchase separately.
Further resources are desirable for delivering the course, some of which come highly recommended, while others are optional. These teaching resources will need to be sourced and prepped independently. (Please see resource lists below for further information.)
(Please note. Additional resources will also need to be independently sourced for the optional activities suggested throughout the course, and resource lists for these specific activities can be found in the Activities Guide.)
Resource | |
True/False signs | Digital Download Provided |
Clay | Recommended |
Pottery examples | Recommended |
3 Balls (different colours) | Recommended |
3 Straws (different sizes) | Recommended |
Foil (50cm per person) | Recommended |
Ink pads | Recommended |
Magnifying glasses (1 per group) | Recommended |
Large clear container | Recommended |
Green food colouring | Recommended |
2 Candles & matches | Recommended |
Chocolate M&M's | Optional |
Resource | |
Posters of male/female models | Digital Download Provided |
Star sticker cards | Digital Download Provided |
Whiteboard pens/post-it notes | Recommended |
2 Jumpers (labelled) | Recommended |
Star stickers | Recommended |
Broken bottle (large pieces only!) | Recommended |
Protective gloves (for handling glass) | Recommended |
Plastic Ziplock bag (medium size) | Recommended |
3 Sharp round pencils (NOT hexagonal) | Recommended |
Sea glass | Optional |
Small pebbles/stones | Optional |
Large clear bowl | Optional |
Permanent marker pens | Optional |
Starfish | Optional |
Resource | |
Valuable/Less Valuable/More Valuable signs | Digital Download Provided |
Cards for Charades | Digital Download Provided |
2 High value items (e.g. jewellery) | Recommended |
Decorative box | Recommended |
Scruffy paper & string | Recommended |
Sand (natural) | Recommended |
Long piece of string/masking tape/chalk | Recommended |
Bank note | Recommended |
Broken crayons (1 pack per group) | Recommended |
Brand new crayons | Recommended |
Candle | Recommended |
Matches | Recommended |
Battery operated tea lights (1 per person) | Recommended |
Large box | Recommended |
Wrapping paper | Recommended |
Large cake/chocolate/sweets | Recommended |
Plant pot filled with compost/soil | Recommended |
Selection of seeds | Recommended |
Ball | Optional |
Sapling | Optional |
Fully matured plant | Optional |
Learning Outcomes
Part 1 – “I am wonderfully made.”
By the end of this session, each person should understand that they are wonderfully made in a unique way, which is what makes them so special, and that there are many ways in which they are unique.
They should be able to accept and embrace their uniqueness and be thankful for and respectful of the body they have been given.
Part 2 – “I am choosing to be grateful.”
By the end of this session, each person should understand that comparing themselves to others is a dangerous trap which should be avoided at all costs and that they can choose to love others instead of comparing themselves to them.
They should be able to accept and embrace their differences and be confident to be themselves rather than trying to be like everyone else and be thankful/grateful for the life they have been given.
Part 1 – “I am cultivating character”
By the end of this session, each person should understand that there is no one way to be physically (outwardly) attractive and that our character is far more important than the way we look on the outside.
They should be able to challenge and reject society’s appearance ideals, concentrate on developing their inner qualities and character which are of far greater worth, and look for and celebrate positive inner qualities in each other.
Part 2 – “I am choosing to be kind”
By the end of this session, each person should understand that developing their character takes time and practice and that kindness (and doing acts of kindness for others) is a choice.
They should be able to cultivate courage by overcoming their fears as well as choosing to be a great friend to others.
Part 1 – “I am valuable and precious”
By the end of this session, each person should understand that their value comes from within them, they are precious and of great worth regardless of what they or other people believe, and there is nothing that can ever change their value or take away their worth.
They should be able to accept that they are valuable and precious and live their lives believing this truth.
Part 2 – “I am choosing to shine”
By the end of this session, each person should understand that they have been created for a purpose and that they are equipped with everything they need to fulfil their purpose.
They should choose to shine their light rather than hide it, demonstrate their love for others through their actions, and recognise and use their gifts, abilities, and talents to serve others.